Difference Between Small and Large Marketing Agencies


When considering outsourcing your marketing to an agency, you might be hit with a ton of different options that range from large-scale corporations to small businesses. This is because the world of marketing is so grand that there is likely a business out there that is ready to help you achieve your goals in any capacity. This means that you will have to find the right company for you, but how do you know if a large or small marketing agency will be best for your specific line of work or advertising needs?


How the two types of agencies can be the same

Choosing a marketing agency can be difficult for those who are just starting their outsourcing journey. If you are a business owner that has been hands-on with handling your advertising then you might want to find an agency that allows you to still feel like you have control over your strategy. On the other hand, if you find your business growing too quickly for you to keep up, then finding an agency that can automate and handle the minute details of advertising might help take a huge load off your day-to-day so that you can go back to focusing on your product or service.

Both business owners would be valid in their reasons for seeking a marketing agency to take over, but their individual needs may steer them in different directions. Some commonalities that can be found across many marketing agencies including:

  • A wide range of services that may include pay-per-click advertising, content curation/creation, SEO management, campaign management, and so much more

  • A promise to find the right strategy to fulfill your marketing goals whether they be gaining more leads or brand awareness

  • A variety of clientele portfolios to rely on that might apply to your business

  • A working team that spans across different channels to help the overall agency feel more like an organization rather than a free-lance opportunity


How the two types of agencies differ 

Small and large marketing agencies are not always going to be “one size fits all”. While there are key benefits to working with either agency, a business wonder should continue to look at what will help them meet their marketing goals. There is a place in the industry for both types of agencies, but finding the right one for your business may take some shopping around. 

Just as there are similarities between the two sizes of agencies, there are also some profound differences in the way they work. If you are a business owner looking for the right fit, understanding some fundamental distinctions between the two might help you make a more accurate choice. Some of these differences include:

  • The amount of personalized work that you may receive on your marketing strategy

  • Company culture and how that plays a role in your overall marketing success

  • The way data is reported and what is decided to be reported on

  • Workloads and time commitments for individual marketing managers

So now that you know some key similarities and differences of working with these agencies, how do you choose which one will be best for your business? Below are some key highlights and unique benefits that you could receive with either agency:

Benefits of working with a smaller agency

  • Individual Care: Because smaller agencies typically have smaller teams, the focus on individual client care is likely a priority in their business. This means that you will have one campaign manager who is specifically tasked with helping you achieve your marketing goals. They have the time, expertise, and availability to help create custom plans for your specific needs.

  • Marketing Strategy Deep Dives: Your marketing strategy should work like a machine. Since there are many moving parts in the planning and execution, there are more chances for hiccups like broken conversion tracking or quality lead generation to arise. With a small agency, you will have the opportunity to dive deeper into the results from your marketing and how it is impacting your business, to create a more thorough and optimized plan moving forward.

Benefits of working with a larger agency

  • Vast Knowledge and Resources: Larger agencies typically have two types of structures - one team that is composed of your marketing needs or multiple teams that have experts in that field working together. If you were looking to start Google Ads and SEO techniques at the same time, then it is more likely that a larger agency will have team members who know how to execute those needs more accurately than one person. On the other hand, if you were only working with one team member on Google Ads, but were interested in pursuing SEO then they may have a wealth of knowledge or resources within their company to point you in the right direction. 

  • One Agency = One Billing Item: Oftentimes, if you are considering working with freelancers or smaller agencies that have one focus, then you might find yourself outsourcing multiple aspects of marketing to multiple people. Because larger agencies typically offer their services in-house, then the headache of trying to keep track of invoices is removed, because everything is tied together through the agency.


Which agency is right for your business?

Deciding what type of agency is right for your business is an extremely personal choice and one that shouldn’t be made lightly. There are huge gains that can be offered by both, depending on what you are looking to get out of your marketing experience. 

If you run a large company and want to take some responsibilities off your hands so that you can focus on the big picture stuff, then a large agency that has automated and streamlined processes may be most beneficial to you, as there is less hassle and more hand off happening on a month to month basis. 

If you are a small business owner who wants to build up their marketing portfolio before taking it on as their own, then a smaller agency that does more personalized, one-on-one guidance may be better for your overall understanding of how marketing can play a role in your business.

Either way, working with any size of marketing agency can prove beneficial when you find the right agency for you and your business.



Making the right decision can be difficult, but luckily there are agencies like RevKey that are here to help you find the agency that is the best fit. Whether you are just starting your marketing efforts or are looking for a well-oiled machine, RevKey is here to help you navigate your advertising needs!


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